Sunday 16 October 2011

48 Hours film Project

Though with nothing to loose and holding no expectation from others, we participated with full enthusiasm in the competition for the first time. We gathered a team and started with the research work weeks before the competition. We even had thought of a story or two out of every genre possible, we were confident that the story could be molded later as per the 'prop, character n dialogue' given.
We financed our film through the contribution made by each crew member of the team.
We had a minute to minute plan for the next 48 hours which would keep time for everything, as per the plan we could have spare few hours even after submitting the film.
The location, equipment, cast, and lil bit of the story was all almost done and final. We were very satisfied with our pre-production work.

Sep 02,2011
We got the Black Comedy Genre from the magic cap. It was really a magic cap :) we got one of our fav. genre that we wanted to work on and luckily we got it.

We were at home and were working over the story. As per the schedule we had to finish the story and also the screenplay till 1am and then zzz

Sep 03,2011
No..Nil...Zero..Blank... :D that was our situation at that time. We just got stuck with the story and couldn't think of any good plot.

We went to sleep with no idea what we going to shoot today...zzz

After a 2 hour sleep we came to mandi house to shoot our film with an unknown story.
We planned to do an outside shoot.

Some suggestion started to come, on which we  built a story. Our actors didn't disappoint us. They were on time.

We started with our first shot with an overcast weather. There were peacock and watnot creatures on our location. All types of birds and  insects witnessed our film making :) ..the beautiful sound they made helped us with sound in post production a lot :)

We packed up, not yet completed the shoot.
Rest of the shots were planned to be done tomorrow.

We were at home and without a break started with the editing.

Editing was on its way...
Rain had started :( we we gonna shoot if the rain continues...n without the remaining shots ...our movie was sense-less :O

Sep 04,2011

We were done with the editing of the shots which we had. Didn't  get any time to zzz :(

Arrived at the mandi house for the rest of shoot.
While half of the team went to the music composer for the music.

Finished the shoot by 2pm somehow in the rain and came back.

Final editing started with the sound.

Done with the editing. Started the render.

Oh God! We had one hour to render. We knew we could still submit it on time and IHC was just  couple of minutes away from our home.

We all had a 'why the hell this computer is so slow' looks on our faces.

Boooooooooooom!!!! Render Failed!!!!!!!!!!!! Watttt daa .............!!!

Now we were numb. could sense it in the surrounding. We kept our cool and thought of possible solution.

6:45 pm
We tried to render it again. But once again BooM!!!!.. happened :(

We decided to copy the whole project file on our laptop and to render on it.

grrrrrr..rr..r..!!!!....God-damn,,,, took us 25 mins to just copy our data to the pendrive ....

I took that laptop on my hand and started rendering on the way.
In that tense, thrilled and dunno what will happen nxt type situation we were running n running crazily to get hold on an auto and all I can remember now is that at the particular moment my mind was telling me..'baag dk bose dk baag' :P .....

We were @IHC, with a laptop on my hands we just ran to the audi. There were few guys outside who had olready submitted their film and were murmuring 'look rendering guys'..n...I was like ...yeah yeah wateva'

Rendering was on... we were in the audi... 30% rendering was done...
The producers were announcing only 2 mins left for the submission...we guys were...wat!!!and at that moment what came as the biggest shock to us...was that we never had matched our clock timing with the timing of the judges...HeLLLL.......NOOOOO... was actually 7:58pm then :((((

Even the laptop couldn't bear this and our software got corrupted while rendering ,..n the rendering failed (it had became so obvious till then for us)

With just 1 minute left, we told our rest of the team at home to just relax and forget about all the urgency for the render.

The most 'full-of-life' 48 hour got over. We just sat there and watched all the Hustle and bustle for the submission of the other films.

The rest of the team arrived with the 'Finally Rendered' Film and then we submitted it as a late submission.

Outside the IHC.
We guys congratulated each other for work we had accomplished.The team work, dedication, hard work, patience that we had put in this film made us soo optimistic at that moment about whatever we had achieved in the last 48  hour. We didn't had a thought about the failure to submit the film at time. With nothing to loose we participated in it and with sooooo much experience and sweet memories we left :)

Thank You 48 Hour Film Project

Eagerly waiting to participate in the coming years also. :)

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